Monday, 28 September 2009

Is US advertising regulation out to lunch?

In the ongoing debate about climate change there have been many winners and losers, but what could always be said is that with debate, comes an admittance of the problem. Over the past two years the climate change conversation has come to the top of the pile, whether it be admitting the problem or denying it, at least people are talking about it.

So it is with a heavy heart I came across the C02 is Green campaign just recently launched in the US. A campaign launched by a former oil baron who, it seems, believes that C02 is actually GOOD for the environment and that we should pollute as much as possible, even going far as to say that it encourages plant growth.

I guess we should celebrate free speech, everyone should have their say, but this seems far past the mark in terms of factual truth or even beliefs. C02 is a pollutant, it is harmful to humans, and it certainly does not encourage plant growth. Now whether C02 is contributing to climate change is up for debate, but the previous points made are scientific fact.

Now here is the rub: why has the C02 is Green campaign been allowed to broadcast this information on national television in the US. It is simply misinformation and it should be punished... No? Surely that is why we have regulation... Gone are the days of cigarette companies being allowed to advertise that their wares are good for your health. So how its okay to state it for C02?

1 comment:

  1. Abuse all over the internet.


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