Wednesday, 20 January 2010

Multi-touch? It's so 3 years ago...

With all the hype building about the supposed Apple tablet next week (it will be called iCanvas, is our prediction), it's worth noting just where the world was at with multi-touch 3 years ago. If Apple can employ this kind of gesture led interface, they'll have a hit on their hands....

Tuesday, 19 January 2010

Be Stupid - Diesel

In the process of resarching for an upcoming pitch, we came across a rather interesting Diesel video... hardly breaking any barriers design wise, but a lovely job for a copywriter...

Musical Inspiration for a Tuesday

And oldie but a goldie, back when he was writing good music and Andy Votel was involved. Also, a cautionary tale of two brace wearers uniting...

Nikon World Microscope Photography Award

Some amazing images on the click courtesy of a heads up from from co-conspirator Luke at 190 Design... To see more  hit here

Saturday, 16 January 2010

How great creative inspires your competitors to do better

Very interesting article in the Guardian today about how price comparison websites in the UK have responded to one of their own creating a memorable ad campaign...

Thursday, 14 January 2010

Tuesday, 5 January 2010

Mother London Donates to Charity

In what is a rather inspired way of subtly announcing that evil empire ad agencies can give to charriidee, Mother explains what they did for Christmas.

Monday, 4 January 2010

Tiger Woods Finally Goes Public - Sponsors Quiver...

Well it's finally happened, one half of Tiger Woods' PR team has won out and convinced him to speak before the damage gets any worse. The "no show" which resulted in several big brands leaving the sinking ship has been abandoned for a topless Vanity Fair photo shoot by Annie Leibovitz, complete with a topless weight lifting Woods.

God only knows what sponsors must be thinking, although one wonders if Nike has not already commissioned their agency for comeback campaign... $$$$$$$